Welcome to Quest

The world seems to have headed in a direction that many of us cannot recognize. Truth has become relative or randomly labeled as disinformation. The Quest is for truth.

We are living in a time where traditional news outlets and U.S. agencies whose information we counted as trustworthy, are now being manipulated for geopolitical/financial purposes to our detriment. This has given rise to independent journalism networks dedicated to uncovering the truth and fighting for our American principles.


Our freedoms like speech, rights to bear arms, and public assembly are under attack, being angrily discouraged with labels like “extremism”, “hate speech”, or “bigotry”. Controversial ideas often get censored as disinformation by governments and big tech. Peaceful demonstrations by citizens are being seeded with foreign-paid bad actors who stir up violence that public media paints as extremism.


What’s even more destructive is the attack on our education system which is diluting our culture and destroying the integrity of the family. Families are being forced to submit to ideologies commonly considered taboo that is now labeled as inclusion. These alternative and harmful lifestyles are being promoted through every aspect of our education system, social media, and entertainment. This is a coordinated attack against our culture and traditional morality.


Even traditional Judeo-Christian principles upheld by our founding fathers and embedded into our nations’ traditions are being singled out as hate speech. Churches are under pressure to preach messages that are completely foreign to what is written in the Bible, while cults, child trafficking, and satanism are allowed to flourish.


The purpose of Quest is to find the truth through the open sharing of ideas. The information posted or linked to this site are articles written and researched using data from multiple sources, including highly educated experts in their respective fields. The objective is to find the truth and present it even if it’s the opposite of what the popular narrative would have us believe. Do your own homework and consider all the evidence. America, our families, and our culture are worth fighting for.


Global Dynasties

Learn the history of how the world ultimately came under the control of a few very powerful families. Their influence and insidious history will shock you. 

Media Exposed

What is a conspiracy theory? Who measures what is or isn't true? Who is influencing the content of our entertainment? Out of the Shadows discloses who's behind the illusions.

Vaccine Madness

What are you allowing a doctor to put into your child's body? Listen to this call-in show discussing the real-life dangers of having your children take vaccines with Dr. Andrew Wakefield. 

Weather Control

Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlinggieri of the Massachusetts School of Law discusses how the US Air Force wants to control the weather by 2025. 

Global Warming Hoax

Government data is altered to support the global reset agenda. Earth's baseline temperature is not changing like they want you to believe. 

Covid-19 Jab Coercion is Illegal

Employers, the medical establishment, and even our government are prevented by US law to force anyone to do something they don't want to do. Its considered domestic terrorism. 

GMO Food Dangers

More than half the 28 countries in the European Union, including Germany and France, have decided to ban their farmers from growing genetically modified crops. 

New World Order

Investigative researcher Terry Cook discusses the plans for the New World Order that the World Economic Forum, the UN and even US Presidents have eluded to that will create a global governance and religion model.  

Epstien Island Coverup

A model repeatedly raped on Epstein Island possesses a thumb drive of videos showing powerful and influential people participating in sex with underaged children yet only Ghislane Maxwell has been charged.    

H.A.A.R.P. Weather Control

H.A.A.R.P. functions to focus intense energy into the atmosphere that changes the weather. They are operated around the world.  

Sex Trafficking

Evidence points to stars and government officials engaging in sexually abusing children, yet this news is covered up by the controlled media. This is no conspiracy theory.

Water for Fuel

Stanley Meyer created a car that could travel 180 kilometers on one gallon of water. When he tried to sell his patented technology, he was assassinated.

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30 N. Gould St., Suite R
Sheridan, WY 82801