How to avoid herd mentality.
We have to think like a scientist. We must start off by asking the questions: “what do we absolutely know is true? What do we know that has been proven? Arguing from first principles, or using first principle thinking, will help you solve problems and to discern truths in a way that no one else can even fathom. You start by asking powerful questions. Once you have the answers to the finite elements for the solution, you can begin to develop a plan to improve each little piece. This process will drive you to widely explore new approaches and better substitutes. The human tendency for imitation is a common roadblock for first principles thinking. When most people envision the future, they tend to project the current form rather than projecting the function forward. Don’t focus on form but on function.
Don’t live life by analogy. When we’re faced with complex problems we default to thinking like everyone else. First principle thinking will help you to break out of this herd mentality. Think out-of-the-box and innovate completely brand-new solutions to a problem. by identifying your current assumptions breaking these down into the current truths and creating solutions from scratch you can uncover ingenious solutions to complex problems, and make unique contributions in any field. Adapt from other solutions and create your own. The best solution is not where everyone is already looking. Be wary of the ideas that you inherit. Old conventions and previous forms are often accepted without question. And once accepted, they establish a boundary around creativity. This difference is one of the key distinctions around continuous improvement and first principles thinking. Continuous improvement is grounded in a broad vision guided by concrete goals through a series of incremental steps. Consequently, these small, sequential challenges lead to long-term improvement. First principle thinking requires you to abandon your original allegiance to previous forms and put the function front and center.
What are you trying to accomplish? What is the functional outcome you are hoping to achieve? Optimize the function. Ignore the form. This is how you learn to think for yourself.
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